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The current state of the Muslim Ummah


Updated: Oct 27, 2024

The current state of the Muslim Ummah


"Saudi Arabia" is not the leader of the Muslim world as they are not a caliphate, they signed an agreement not to raise a caliphate, and they have also been defending the Israeli zionist airspace during their genocide of Palestine and now lebanon, they also propagate a sectarian and heretical understanding of Islam and are mujassima. A mujassima according to Imam Maturidi RA is a mushrik.

The state of the Muslim world is no accident, it is a result of British strategies to divide and conquer our Ummah and also ruin our beliefs from within by creating heretical sects like the anthropomorphic extremist wahabbis (who's anthropomorphic aqida puts one in shirk and kufr according to Imam Maturidi - the true Sunni Imam RA) and invading our lands leaving behind democratic governments installed to rule by other than sharia in muslim lands and force people away from Islam.

The situation in Turkey, Palestine, Syria, Yemen & Hicaz to name the main ones are in Turmoil; this is the result of our Enemies and Traitors who the Ottomans fought off for 600 years on behalf of all Muslims. Now the batton has fallen to us, the Muslims of today to rebuild our glorious civilisation by re-uniting, educating ourselves correctly, organising our communities with good leadership and duties for the people in the interest of the progression of this Ummah in both worlds and to become well established and at the forefront of developements and progress in every sense, socially, economically, scientifically, technologically and eventually militarily in sh Allah.

We are in the age of information, there is a war for your mind, your time and you by the medium of the media and agendas of the super rich zionists, first we must win this war of the mind in ourselves and our communities and be strong and united people with intent, and lead by excellence in society and on the media platforms and real life show the people of this earth the true beauty of this religion in our manners to counter the misinformation campaigns formed by the same enemies that have put our civilisation in this condition, to in an attempt to save other human beings from misguidance and also ourselves and our kids from corruption.

We need to get active about the big issues and cut the passive silence in the face of oppression, by whatever means available.

Allah will give us a true leader that the Muslims can look to for their leadership in sh Allah so that when we leave the masjid and go out into the world we know our duties and purpose and have the support in sh Allah.

May Allah unite us, give us beneficial knowledge and strengthen this Ummah again and make us winners in this world and the next,


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