Liberating Palestine
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Aalemiyn, peace and blessings on Muhammad, his family & companions. Bismillahirahmanir-raheem.
Saying Ya Rasulullah. We directly address the prophet Muhammad pbuh in the Tahiyyat in the Fard Salah and when visiting him at his grave... The Truth about Eesa AS ( aka Jesus pbuh )
Greeting others on their religious festivals. Allowed or not? Asalamu Aleykum Wa Rahmatullah, Praise be to Allah. Congratulating the...
Kindness to Animals & Mercy When we mention the religion of Islam, often the first word that comes to mind is peace. The word Islam is... E’Selam Aleykum, Please share this video with everyone you know, if any deny Islam is true after watching...
Bismillahirahmanirraheem, Asalam'u Alaykum, It’s taken some time but here is the best of the Quran audio recordings I could find... If...
“Bismillah. Infinite glory and gratitude be to Allahu Taala who bestowed upon us all kinds of favors and honored us by making us Muslims...
Kinship “And those who break the covenant of Allah, after its ratification, and sever that which Allah has commanded to be joined (i.e.,...
Allah says: “Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into...
Question: What does it mean that "Allah is free from time and space"? Reply: The fact that Allah is independent of time and space means...