A text on the teachings & some essential beliefs in Islam according to the school of Imam Maturidi by Imam Nasafi RA
English translation of the meaning:
“The Originator of the worlds, he is Allah the exalted, the one, the pre-eternal, the living, the able i.e the powerful, the all knowing, the (all) hearing, the (all) seeing, the desiring, the willing, he is not an accident (in the theological sense), nor a body, nor an atom, nor is he formed/imaged, nor is he limited, nor is he accountable, nor is he portioned, nor is he divided, nor is he compounded, nor does he have an ending (nor a beginning), he is not described with an essence (İ.e we should not describe his essence of being - aside from what he has said about himself, for example he is the eternal all-poweful light & his existence is his essence) nor with kayfiyyah (i.e how he is & how he does), he is not in any place and nor does time have any effect on him, nor is he similar to anything, nothing is beyond or outside of his knowledge and his power, for him are attributes which are pre-eternal, they are established with his essence, they are not him nor are they other than him and they are knowledge (of all things), power (to do), life (I.e he is the living), hearing, seeing, willing, desiring, action (acting), creating (the power to create), sustaining and speech, he speaks with a speech that is an attribute for him that is pre-eternal, it is not from the genius of letters or sounds, it is an attribute which doesn’t have a sequence I.e it doesn’t have a beginning or an end (Allahs un-revealed speech that is with him, not the Qur’an which has sentences, sequences and letters and by Allahs permission we recite and the sound is heard, If the seas were ink they would be spent before the words of Allah were spent) and Allah SWT he speaks about commandments, prohibitions and giving of information, the Qur’an is Allahs speech uncreated, it is written in our mushafs, it is preserved in our hearts, recited on our tongues, and it is heard by our ears (what is recited of it by the created beings of Allah), takwin, the attribute of making existence be is pre-eternal (İ.e the attribute of Allah that is applied to create the creation - The power to bring creation into existence, it is the force used to execute creating) it is his (power of) bringing into being of all of (created) existence, it is linked with that which is brought into existence and every part of it from the time of its
inception and it is other than what is made to be, according to the Maturidi school and irada (will) is an attribute of Allah that is pre-eternal and established with his essence.”