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Give a good impression of Islam


Updated: Jun 11, 2024


How do we give a good impression of Islam?


Aselamu Aleykum,

I think there are a few simple answers to this question.

1. Follow the Quran and Sunnah more closely ( the right understanding of it as you said) so that we may better exemplify the manners and actions of the prophet pbuh as beautifully as possible so others may see this good example.

2. Good charachter, we need to engage with the public while having good manners and character, speak the truth and give something beneficial to people wherever we may be, this will make us a good example for everyone.

Remember, Allah is beautiful and loves what is beautiful, so let’s try and be beautiful Muslims in all we do and people will see us that way too in sh Allah, everybody loves beauty and Islam is beautiful so we have to try and reflect that and in sh Allah people will enter into Islam.

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