No anthropomorphism in İslam
The Ahlus Sunnah do not affirm anthropomorphism for Allah and with regards to texts from the Qur’an and hadith that refer to a hand of Allah for example if taken literally can seem to imply this, although we reject any anthropomorphism in the meaning and we affirm that we believe in what Allah & Rasulullah saw said with its intended meaning.
Imam Matu’ridi RA said “Whoever claims Allah has a body is a mushrik.”
This is due to the fact a body requires a space, measurements and dimensions to be qualified as a body. A body is a finite thing. And this is not befitting of Allah to attribute limits and limbs to him audhubillah!
A body requires a space and Allah is free of space as these are created things I.e space and time, as he existed without space and time before they were created, and he exists in the same way as he always did before these.
Some imply that there exists an equally infinite space for him to reside in but this contradicts tawheed and Hadith narration as it would mean something İ.e space would have eternally existed alongside him eternally which is major shirk I.e making a partner with Allah in his uncreatedness and we reject this.
It was narrated that Abu Razeen said:
"O Messenger of Allah, where was our Lord before He created His creation? He said:
"Nothing existed but Him, with nothing beneath Him and nothing above Him. Then He created His Throne above the water."
Narrated by at-Tirmidhi (3109), In Majah (182) and Ahmad (15755). This hadith was classed as Saheeh by at-Tabari; & as Hasan by at-Tirmidhi.
Allah is the originator with no beginning, no end and no partner and he existed with nothing other than himself before bringing into existence his creation, he is not matter, nor a body, nor does he change or nor has a form, he is the eternal light and the creator of all creation and is the only uncreated existence. Allah is infinite and not dependant on anything or anyone, and he is all powerful, all wise.
A core principle is we do not liken Allah to anything as Allah tells us in the Quran “There is nothing like him” - Qur’an 42:11
And so whatever we think of Allah as a being in our mind he is other than that.
And Allah knows best.