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Tasawwuf in Islam


Updated: Aug 12, 2024

What is True Tasawwuf:



Asalatu wasalamu ‘ala rasulillah wa ‘ala alihi wa sahbihi ejmaeen.

“Tasawwuf” (practice) and “Sufi” (Title) are semantic innovations of Muslims, however non the less, in their proper applications are compatible with Islam as will be explained in the following text.

It’s true meaning is the process of applying self discipline in the perscribed practices from the Qur’an and Sunnah that are purifying & progressing oneself into a higher and purer state of internal being with the aim of shedding the animal self and entering into an enhanced state of Aql & therefore achieving the friendship of Allah most High, muraqaba & ma’rifa (being with & close consciousness of Allah) and increased states of Taqwa, İhsan, Hikma and Adab. It will keep us in a state of rida (contentment and acceptance of divine decree) and tawakkul (trusting Allah) and help us to shed bad qualities like kibr - arrogance, ‘ujub - vanity, harshness, ahklaq sayiya - bad manners, riya - showing off, hasad - destructive jelousy and ghafla - heedlessness.

It was originally called Tazkiyah Al Nafs but later evolved into what is now known as Tasawwuf due to the addition of the enhancement & beautification of the inner self & not just its purification.

It is to cleanse the heart and bring it into a constant love and fear of Allah in its dhikr therefore increasing the correct awareness, having good intention for the sake of Allah and true servanthood.

A wise person said,

“It is the determination to live as the prophet Muhammad (saw) did, in moderation and balance, uprightly, from the beginning of one’s life to the end in obedience to Allah. As the most close to perfect guide and unique model, he is the most special gift given by Almighty Allah to mankind. All of the states and behaviour of the Messenger of Allah (saw) have been transmitted to us by the Noble Companions as they witnessed him. Our Lord has allowed the Holy Qur’an to exist until this day, without even one of its letters being changed, which is a great bounty for us all. So too all of the acts of the prophet Muhammad (saw) are a peerless treasure for us, which we can take as our standard in our quest to become as perfect a human as possible.

It is the path to taqwa that allows one to shun all things that distance one from Allah. It is a form of spiritual training that controls the greedy ambitions of one’s nafs and allows one to uncover the potential in the spirit.”

It is the walking of the tightrope of being away from sins and anything that distances oneself from the remembrance of Allah and being in a state of cleanliness and loving remembrance and yearning for Allah. The finely tuned right path where the more Sunnah applied the better ones being will become.

Imam Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) stated the following:

“Whoever practices fiqh without tasawwuf is a deviant. Whoever practices tasawwuf without fiqh is a heretic. Whoever combines the two will reach to the truth.”

Tasawuuf is holding of the discipline of self refinement according to Islamic teaching,

It is the vehicle to the destination of the awliyyah.

It is the process of the spiritual growth of the soul.

It is the application of the Sunnah & doing whats good for ones relationship with Allah and his own soul and restraint from whats detrimental to both of those.

It is to know that the hardships that befall one are each a divine test and a means to purification. It is the effort to remain a friend of Allah by being content with His divine decree in every circumstance. It is the effort to keep one’s heart in balance during the ups and downs of life & to avoid becoming spoilt by wealth and feeling constricted by poverty and trusting Allah with calmness.

Tasawwuf is a battle against the nafs in which there is never any truce.

Rasulullah saw said “The best jihad is jihad Al nafs.”

It is achieving good charachter, close friendship & obedience to Allah, the struggle to do the best of things with your time and turning away from that which is of no benefit.

Aisha reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, the believer may reach by his good character the rank of one who regularly fasts and stands for prayer at night.”

Source: Sunan Abī Dāwūd 4798

Grade: Sahih (authentic)

The Prophet saw said “I have been sent to perfect good manners and charachter.” - Muwatta.

It is the walking of the right path,

It is keeping good company & choosing what is good, and giving something better,

It is not talking İslam but living İslam.

It is being with Allah.


Any actions or words that are not of the Qur’an and Sunnah do not constitute true Tasawwuf and are a fabricated innovation with different degrees of danger to ones religion from minor haram up to and including the major sin of shirk in some tragic cases by some factions who claim the path of Tasawwuf and impart it onto others, one must not obey anyone who makes haram halal and halal haram under any circumstances, doing so will be tantamount to taking the one who does so as an idol (taghut).

The Prophet SAW said “There is no obedience (to a leader) in the disobedience of Allah.”

True Tasawwuf has nothing to do with making graves or ones sheikh intermedieries, calling awliyyah for help, spinning around in circles, sectarianism, innovation, extremism İ.e doing more than what the Prophet saw reccomended in an unusual extreme manner, nor has it to do with secret knowledge, nor does it need be a “re-ordering” of Islam, the religion was complete on Arafah. Fact.

The Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) warned us when he said, “Beware of newly-invented things, for every newly-invented thing is an innovation and every innovation is going-astray.” - Narrated in Tirmidhi.

Rasulallah saw said,

“My Ummah will split into 73 sects 72 will be in the hellfire.” He was asked who will be the one in Paradise? He said “Those who follow what İ and my companions are on.”

Rasulullah saw said “There will come people who go to extremes in making dhikr, you should not be of them.” & “Stay away from sects even if you have to eat from roots of trees until death overcomes you.”

It is to do with purification, growth, conscioussness, love and fear of Allah, justice and wisdom, it is the beautiful middle way, not too much, not too little, but being as close to just right as possible.

Rasulullah saw said “I have left behind two things, the Qur’an and my Sunnah, whoever adheres to them will never go astray.”

On the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said : I heared the messenger of Allah SAW say:

"What I have forbidden to you, avoid; what I have ordered you [to do], do as much of it as you can. It was only their excessive questioning and their disagreeing with their prophets that destroyed those who were before you." narrated in Bukhari and Muslim.

Some acts that can be purifying and enhance spiritual growth are:

  • Prayer

  • Wudhu

  • Dhikr

  • Salawat

  • Eating Halal food

  • Contemplation of death

  • Contemplation of Allahs greatness

  • Loving the Prophet PBUH

  • Being just

  • Having Good manners

  • Applying the Sunnah

  • Restraint from Sin and what does not concern one

  • Speaking the truth

  • Being merciful and soft

  • Obedience to Allah and his Rasul SAW

And nothing can be done except with the permission of Allah,

Alhamdulillahi Rabbil alemiyn.

May Allah protect us from innovation and going astray from the Qur’an and Sunnah,


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